About Us

Our family of 6 (dad Adam, mom Sherry, big sister Abby and little brothers Isaac and Brady -- who was born on December 14, 2010) joined the ranks of pediatric cancer fighters when our 4-year old son Logan was diagnosed with a dangerous and highly malignant form of brain cancer in mid-August 2010. Logan's cancer journey began abruptly on Sunday, August 15, when his right eye suddenly turned inward during dinner. Twenty-four hours later, we were checking into Children's Hospital Oakland and finding out that life sometimes takes you places you'd never, ever imagine yourself going.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Just to Clarify... 9/2/10

I realize I've probably been unclear as to what the next few days involve. I really had no idea myself until yesterday. Just to quickly clarify, today is essentially Logan's re-uptake evaluation: Medical history, admission, probably a quick MRI, spinal tap, chemo pump implantation. If all goes as anticipated, tomorrow is the day when the medicine will start.

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