About Us

Our family of 6 (dad Adam, mom Sherry, big sister Abby and little brothers Isaac and Brady -- who was born on December 14, 2010) joined the ranks of pediatric cancer fighters when our 4-year old son Logan was diagnosed with a dangerous and highly malignant form of brain cancer in mid-August 2010. Logan's cancer journey began abruptly on Sunday, August 15, when his right eye suddenly turned inward during dinner. Twenty-four hours later, we were checking into Children's Hospital Oakland and finding out that life sometimes takes you places you'd never, ever imagine yourself going.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Tuesday Night 10/5/10

Today was my 'day off', so to speak, if you consider my usual duties as a Stay at Home Mom to be a 'day off'. What it really means is that I stayed home from the hospital; Adam's mom spent the night with Logan, Adam worked this morning, and then headed off to Oakland after lunch while I took charge of Abby and Isaac. While I enjoy not being in the car for two hours on days like today, I miss seeing Logan. I wish I could have my cake and eat it too, but that's simply not my reality right now. Not yet, anyway.

The report from the hospital seemed almost entirely positive. Logan's methotrexate level was down to .33 as of this morning, which is good and means the flush is progressing well. His ultrasound report from yesterday came back normal, and showed no signs of the complications that can arise for kids on his protocol. It's great news, but at the same time, it means the tummy pain is still a mystery. He played with the physical therapist this morning and then spent more than an hour in the playroom painting, doing puzzles and shooting hoops (!) this afternoon. He even ate actual food, which he'd been largely resisting. So praises for that, even if he did wind up throwing up some of his lunch. And despite the vomiting, his desire for food persisted, and Adam said he requested -- and ate -- animal crackers, Goldfish, AND potato chips an hour later. All of the activity tired him out, though, and he fell asleep, ostensibly for the night, at about 6 PM. In addition to all of that, roommate #3 moved out this morning after being paired with an older kid. And Logan called me more than once just to say 'I love you mommy and I'll see you tomorrow'. Really, how am I not supposed to feel heartbroken over all of this??

Just based on all of this, I'm utterly amazed by how he's handling the situation. Kids are simply incredible. The heart, the soul, the spirit. This is precisely the kind of thing that would mentally destroy an adult. But not Logan. It's almost as if it's just a sustained blip on his radar. No wonder Jesus loves children so.


Unrelated, but I've mentioned it so I figured I'd update: We may have new renters. They're willing to sign a 2-year lease if we'll rent to them, but the hang up is their credit: It's not great. It's not even really good. But they were up front about it and explained what had happened, and we're willing to give them a chance as long as their current landlord gives them a good review. So that's what we're waiting on. Hoping and praying that this is IT so we can finally cross something off our list.

Good night to you all. Please keep those prayers coming! May God keep you and yours in His care.

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