About Us

Our family of 6 (dad Adam, mom Sherry, big sister Abby and little brothers Isaac and Brady -- who was born on December 14, 2010) joined the ranks of pediatric cancer fighters when our 4-year old son Logan was diagnosed with a dangerous and highly malignant form of brain cancer in mid-August 2010. Logan's cancer journey began abruptly on Sunday, August 15, when his right eye suddenly turned inward during dinner. Twenty-four hours later, we were checking into Children's Hospital Oakland and finding out that life sometimes takes you places you'd never, ever imagine yourself going.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Let's Do the Wave

That's what we need here, desperately: A wave prayers to wash over our entire family and restore our collective health.

At this moment, Isaac and Abby are relatively well. Abby still has a lingering cough and Isaac is on antibiotics for his ear infection, but otherwise, they're both in grin 'n go mode. But that's where the good health ends.

Brady is very congested. He's on antibiotic eye drops and has a very, very stuffy little nose. He tries very hard to be in good spirits, but it stinks to be a three-month old with a headcold. Adam has a cough and the beginnings of congestion. I'm a trainwreck; my throat is extremely sore, I have what is likely a huge canker sore (because a few years ago, I started getting them when faced with stressful situations) on the roof of my mouth, and my ear still hasn't returned to normal. I can hear through it again, but the sound quality is off-kilter. I took a trip to my primary today, but she didn't think anything was wrong (horrible pain aside), and gave me just some lidocaine to gargle. (I'm going back to my ENT tomorrow; he wants to do a strep test and check my ear again. Thank God for specialists.)

But worst of all, my poor sweet Logan is horribly congested. We've done the absolute best we could do with keeping him away from the germs, so it's frustrating that he's ill. He still has seven days of focal radiation remaining, so PLEASE pray that God will touch him and make the cold better soon.

As always, please keep praying for healing for my little sunshine. I can't express how important those prayers are to me; how closely I hold them to my heart. How much it means to know that scores of others are interceding on Logan's behalf, begging God to heal him, to eradicate the cancer entirely and to make him well again. Because THAT is the desire of my heart. THAT is what I want, what I yearn for, what I plead for every day, all day long. Eternal perspective aside -- and I DO have one -- I want my son to be well. I want him to grow up with an amazing story to tell. I'm his mom; I can't possibly desire anything else.

Thank you and good evening.


  1. Oh, no! I hope you all feel better soon! Especially hoping that Logan can complete the treatment. Sherry, we are always praying for you. Keep writing out what you want us to pray for! I come back to this blog several times a day and when I can't formulate the words (which is, heh, most of the time), it helps so much to just read them here and pray with all of my heart that they come true.

  2. I have an aunt who is one of the best prayer warriors I know. She lives in Merced, CA. I am asking her to read your blog and start praying tonight. I know she will do all she can. I too, continue to pray.

  3. When you get tired you get sick. And you MUST be sick and tired of all this by now, that is for sure! We are praying for all of you to be healthy AND rested! Remember, sleep is a weapon. As long as you are rested your perspective and patience are hanging on. I know I sound like my own Mother right now, but please try to take as much care of yourself as you can. A tall order on a good day let alone with everything else your family is going through! We are all praying for a fast and permenent healing for all of you!
    God is with you, let Him carry you.

  4. Praying that all of you feel better soon.


  5. Praying that all of you feel better soon.


  6. Praying fervently for you all Sherry. I and my family will continue to do so.

    God bless each of you.

    Rodney Southern and family

  7. Praying for health for your whole family!

  8. Praying that by now you are all feeling MUCH better!
