About Us

Our family of 6 (dad Adam, mom Sherry, big sister Abby and little brothers Isaac and Brady -- who was born on December 14, 2010) joined the ranks of pediatric cancer fighters when our 4-year old son Logan was diagnosed with a dangerous and highly malignant form of brain cancer in mid-August 2010. Logan's cancer journey began abruptly on Sunday, August 15, when his right eye suddenly turned inward during dinner. Twenty-four hours later, we were checking into Children's Hospital Oakland and finding out that life sometimes takes you places you'd never, ever imagine yourself going.

Friday, February 10, 2012


Sorry, I know I've been remiss with updates. The truth is that there's just not much going on. Not much has changed and Logan is still in the ICU on the BIPAP machine, mostly not responsive, though I did have a sweet moment that brought me to tears this afternoon. I opened his right eye for him and held up my hand in the 'I love you' sign that we've used for years. For just a moment, he held up his own little hand and waved it back at me in a like-pose. It made me cry to realize that he could see me and that he loves me, too.

The report from Dr. T this morning was not a good one. He said that they're thinking that perhaps the cause of the fluid retention, the swelling of his ventricles and the other problems he's experiencing might be aspergillosis. Remember the aspergillus infection he had in his ear in October? Same thing. The theory is that it's been slowly growing and spreading and wreaking havoc over his body. If that's the case, there's nothing they can do for him medically. So we're in full-on miracle territory. Although this isn't new news for us, it feels more urgent. It feels more pressing. It feels decidedly more painful. After all, our family has suffered SO MUCH over the past nearly 18 months. But I still doggedly hold on to the notion of healing. Christ told his followers that the world would know Believers because they'd cast out demons, lay their hands on sick people and cause them to become well, and a host of other qualities. I believe this is true. I also believe that the devil --and ironically, the church at times-- stifles us. We've been programmed to believe that we DON'T have the ability to let God work through us via the Holy Spirit. And because of that --and probably for other reasons as well-- we often don't even try. And if you don't believe... well, Jesus repeatedly emphasized the importance of belief. It's an essential component of faith. Anyway, that's the update. Thank you for being on Team Logan and for continuing to pray for my sweet sunshine and our family.


  1. Continuing to pray. In Jesus' holy and precious name, may Logan be fully and completely healed.

  2. Sherry, thank you for updating. I know you how precious your time is and the fact that you are keeping this blog and updating us so we can pray = you are amazing. We are still praying for you and Logan. Praying for a miracle, first and foremost. And a close second we are praying for 110% healing. And peace and calm and wisdom for those doctors.

    Thinking of you guys always

  3. So thankful for the update Sherry, I know that it can't be easy to do.
    Praying, pleading for the miracle we all want to behold..a healthy, happy, sunshiny Logan.
    Hugs, prayers and lots of love.

  4. What a sweet LOVE moment! Thank you for sharing with us. Praying and believing with you - asking God to crown all who are involved with Logan with HIS WISDOM!

  5. Just read your facebook post. I am so so sorry!

  6. oh dear. How sweet. I'm glad God sent you that, Sherry. Sending love, prayers and tears.

  7. I stand firm on healing for Logan and for your family! The Word of God does not lie and it does not boast, it does not return void! You and your little sonshine hang in there Mother Warrior!~ We just know what demon to cast out now with the aspergillius! Can you check into a naturopathic intervention for aspergillius. If your interested I can inbox your our biomedical Dr that treats Abigaile and if you can consult with him to see as well. Isa 53:5 says that Jesus bore all those transgressions including what ever is going on with Logan and He left those transgressions at the cross. I Peter 2:24 says By His Stripes that Logan is healed. The devil is a coward and a liar and he tries to take "anything that he can name or not" and try to use it as a crutch. Our daughter had many issues with the molds and fungus and only when we did intervention and moved away from it did we see results. We are still praying on Team Logan and still believing team Logan is there a way I can send you healing scripture cds that you can play for Logan ? love you all bunches!

  8. Dear Sherry,
    I just heard the sad news. I have been following your blog because of a Facebook friend in common.

    Though I don't know you, I would like to share the words I received after a similarly devastating loss:

    "I could tell you I know how you feel, but that would not be the truth. I could tell you Logan is in a better place, but the fact is that your family's world has been shattered to pieces. Please cry as much as you need to. Don't be afraid to be weak at this moment. Take time to take care of yourself. Let the pain take its course. Don't be afraid to let it hurt. Take time to remember the bitter-sweet knowledge that you got to meet Logan. And when you run out of tears, remember that there are many people who are crying with you"

    Thank you for sharing your journey. I am so sorry.

  9. I am so so sorry to hear of the passing of Logan.
    For him the suffering is over. He is with God now.
    God Bless you all.

  10. Sorry that I don't know you, but nonetheless, I'm sorry for your loss. The Lord never promised it would be easy, but He did promise that He would be there for you. God Bless you and your family.

  11. My heart aches for you and your family tonight. Sending prayers for Logan's peaceful transition to a place where he will no longer suffer.

  12. Although we've never met, we have mutual friend. I'm so sorry to hear of Logan's passing.

  13. My heart aches for your loss, Sherry. May God give you and the family the strength to bear this moment... {{{{Hugs}}}

  14. My heart is breaking for you. I am so sorry to your entire family.

  15. Sherry, I am so sorry to hear of your loss. My love, thoughts, and prayers are with you and your entire family.

  16. Praying for your broken heart, Sherry and for all of your family.

  17. Praying for peace and comfort for your souls...

  18. Hi my name is Amber Stuart and I'm friends of Kari Jackson. I was told about your family from my sister Sandy Hansen and I just want to tell you how sorry I am for what you are going through. Your strength is inspiring. Even though I don't know you my heart aches for you and your family but also rejoices for Logan and the peace he now has with Jesus! I will celebrate him today and continually pray for your family!
